Your Knowledge – September 2018
Inside 190,000 taxpayers ‘examined’ in ATO online rental blitz The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has announced a new data-matching program targeting taxpayers earning income from the exploding popularity of short-term rentals available on platforms like AirBNB and...
Your Knowledge – August 2018
Inside Will Australians pay more for a good cause? In the same month that desperate farmers made headlines preparing to destroy starving flocks and pleading with the public to pay a few cents more for their dairy products, Dick Smith’s nationalistic brand announced...
Your Knowledge – July 2018
Inside Company tax change in limbo An issue that many business owners and investors will need to grapple with is uncertainty on the tax rate that applies to companies for the year ended 30 June 2018 and the maximum franking rate on dividends paid during the 2018...
Your Knowledge – June 2018
InsideOne-off Super Guarantee AmnestyEmployers that have fallen behind with their superannuation guarantee (SG) obligations will have 12 months to “self-correct” under a new amnesty announced late last month.The ATO estimates that $2.85 billion is currently owed in...
Your Knowledge – May 2018
Tax stats reveal the state of the Australian community InsideTax stats reveal the state of the Australian communityEvery year, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) compiles the tax data they collect. The recently released 2015-16 ‘tax stats’ encapsulate the data from...
Your Knowledge – April 2018
Tax stats reveal the state of the Australian community Inside SINGLE TOUCH PAYROLL : WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW Single Touch Payroll (STP) – the direct reporting of salary and wages, PAYG withholding and superannuation contribution information to the ATO – comes into...
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